Why Love 'Em?


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My favorite piccie :)

So, why love these adorable lads from Liverpool? Well, here are a few reasons . . .

1. Have ever seen such good-looking boys in your entire life?!  Look at them *drools*
2. Hello!  They're the Beatles!
3. They can actually sing AND play instruments - unlike many artists today.
4. The fact that they also write their own songs, too.
5. You can listen to the Beatles forever and still never get tired of hearing their beautiful voices.
6. The boys are still very popular, even today!
7. No matter how hard you try, you just can't seem to find quite as good a band as the Beatles.
8. They're also actors - who know how to act!  Just watch "A Hard Day's Night," "Help!" "The Magical Mystery Tour" and "Let It Be"! 
9. They have the best sense of humor I have ever heard -
    "John, how did you discover America?"
    "Turned left at Greenland."
10. Their great music, and witty lyrics will live on forever, wheras most populer singers today will be forgotten tomorrow.
11. And did I mention how hot they are?
12. They stayed down to earth until the end.
13. Paul's story of how he wrote "Yesterday".
14. The boys actually wore leather!
15. John's "ooohhh!" at the end of the song "P.S. I Love You".
16. Paul's sweet, quiet songs, like "And I Love Her", "Yesterday," and "Michelle".
17. John's quiet love songs, like "Ask Me Why".
18. The song "I Wanna Hold Your Hand".