The Ten Beatle Commandments


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The Ten Beatle Commandments!!


The First Commandment: Thou shall love and cherish the four Beatle boys until the end of time.

Pillow Fight!!!!

The Second Commandment: Thou shall never fight about them.

Remember John and George!!

The Third Commandment: Thou shall never forget John and George and keep them in your prayers.


The Fourth Commandment: Show love to all creatures great and small.

Who're they talking to?

The Fifth Commandment: Thou shall never eavsdrop on other peoples phone conversations.

Makin' Music!

The Sixth Commandment: Thou shall make merry music, and make others happy.

Lazy bum :)

The Seventh Commandment: Thou shall not be lazy!

How many album is that?

The Eighth Commandment: Though Shall listen to at least one (or all) Beatle album(s) a day.

Nice clothes, boys!

The Ninth Commandment: Its all right to act a little crazy sometimes!

Now aren't they precious?

The Tenth Commandment: Follow the first nine!