Talk Like Them!


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Wanna learn to talk like these guys?

a'right = hello
barmy = crazy
barney = a fight
bash  = a try
belt up! = be quiet!  
bird  = a girl
bit of all right, a  = something or someone that pleases you
bloody = mild expletive (adjective) 
bob, coupla = a couple of pounds 
browned-off = annoyed, fed-up
bugger = dang!  
cheeky = naughty
cheesed off = mightily annoyed 
ciggies = cigarettes 
clean  = respectable
come 'ed! = c'mon!
come off it = yeah, right!
comfy  = comfortable
crackers = definitely insane
crawler = someone who sucks up to people
cuppa = a cup of tea
daffy ol' creep = crazy old man
daft = insane
drag = a bore, idiot
drag stuff  = anything boring
fab = great
fabmost  = even greater
fag = cigarette 
fug = a smoky, beery atmosphere
frightfully like  = very
gear = great, cool, wicked
get on! = as if!
gets on me wick! = (it) really annoys me
giggle = a laugh
gobsmacked = extremely surprised
grotty = grotesque, yucky
how do you reckon that one out? = how do you figure that?
inni(t) = isn't it
jam butties = jam/jelly sandwiches
jugs = breasts
kickoff, the = the beginning
kip = sleep
kip, a spot of  = a short nap
knock it off! = stop it!
larking = mucking around
Liddypool = Liverpool
Liddypudlian = Being from Liverpool
lug holes = ears
lurking/lurker = hanging around suspiciously
mixer = troublemaker
nice one = thanks
neb = nose 
nosh-up, a = a very large meal
pluck = courage
potty = stupid, crazy
pig = police officer
sag off = to skip school, play hookie
sarnie = sandwich
scouse = Liverpool slang
scouser = a Liverpudlian
shurrup! = belt up!
shut yeh gob/trap = shut your mouth
skint = broke
slipped off  = nicked off / disappeared
smashing = great / gorgeous 
sod off = "go away"
soft = slightly insane
sound = great
spare = to go mad
spurt = explode, go nuts
starking mad = insane 
straight up! = it's true!
strokes = mischeivious stunts
swine  = pig
swelling about the bonce = being conceited
ta = thanks
ta-ra = bye
thick = stupid
why not be big about it? = make a big deal about it why don't you!
yer nesh = you're a sissy